Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Network Carving up the World

Dear Diary,
Yesterday I carved up the world...well not literally of course but I did learn a lot of cool words and how the world is viewed by different people. Actually I was listening to this lecture and viewing posts online which gave me a very wide view on how different the world is and how I (yes I personally) link it all together!

I, as the network, never realised how much I link different people together and no matter how big I get or how varied I am there is always a link to the people using me...for example: everyone who accesses me has a computer and the internet. So I thought that was interesting because although everyone is very different in their own sense such as race, culture, religion, sex, age etc. everyone who has access to the network in connected to everyone else in the network!

And because this information is so wide and varied people are constantly labeling subjects and trying to force them into categories. Two of these "labeling techniques" are called taxonomy and folksonomy. Ok Diary, I know you're not that smart so I'll explain these terms for you:
Taxonomy is defining a subject by what it is so for example a Yellow submarine. The submarine is yellow so is defined with things that are also yellow. It is also a submarine so is defined by machines that can transport people underwater. But this is very limited because there are different types of yellow and there are different types of submarines. The Yellow submarine could also have a lot of other qualities which link it to other things.
So Folksonomy ASSOCIATES The Yellow Submarine with yellow things and associates it with submarines. There is a lot more variance in Folksonomy so people can accept that the subject is associated with the term.

So now I am very busy Diary so I am off to work on my assessment. I know that you are probably not very interested but my Motion assignment is taking alot more time and effort than I thought it would and I would assume many other networks would sympathise with me!
Cheers Diary and Happy St Paddy's Day!

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