Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dinner with Mr HTML and Mrs CSS

Dear Diary,
Tonight I had dinner with Mr HTML and Mrs CSS. They are lovely programs to use! They were telling me tonight how well they go together. Before CSS came along HTML was so fiddly and annoying if one page on the website needed changing. But CSS is a styling program so HTML and CSS can coerse with each other to make a stylish webpage! CSS actually stands for Cascading Styling Sheets! I never knew! I'm so glad they came over and helped me understand more about webpages.

Throughout dinner, HTML was trying to explain how he works and it sounded pretty simple but there were alot of codes and conventions to know. Like HTML always needs little brackets that look like this <> so it can interpret what the person wants for the webpage. But HTML explained to me that the brackets have to always close and that the tags are to be nested. And I've just realised how lucky HTML is! he can go anywhere in the world and every computer can use him! So many other programs (like Flash ha!) can't do that! Although HTML was telling me that the programs he does prefer to be worked on is TextEditor, TextWrangler or Notepad.

I'm so glad I learnt so much from this dinner! I feel like after every dinner with all these different programs I'm learning that little bit more about the Network (although I am the Network haha).

Next Week Remix, API and Mashup are all coming to dinner (I really hope they bring dessert because I don't think I can cook for that many!)

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