Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Geo Narrativing the World

Dear Diary,
I have just received this big assignment which is about geo-narratives. I really can't wait to make one because I can make a story (fiction or non-fiction) and link it with google maps, relevant sites and photographs to make an interactive story!

My idea is basically a detective story but I'm not too sure about the details. I really want it to have a twist at the end but think it that may be too cliche... So I've been looking at photos from flickr, delicious and the creative commons to link with my idea.I'l either use photos from these sites that don't have copyright or I'l take my own photos, edit them in photoshop and display them. I think I may do this because I want to get a black and white look for the story - a kind of 1940s New York style Private Eye detective thing...I may even set it in New York! I know the place very well and could have the main character walking up and down 42nd street or Broadway looking for the bad guy.

My google friends are going to help me composite it all so it is accessible to the public and easy to use. But for now I'm going to concentrate on the story and get a good idea and plot so it will not only be visually interesting for the reader but mentally stimulating.

I'll write soon to tell you all about my wonderful idea!
Take care
The Network

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Network understanding data visualisation

Hi Dairy,
It's been a pretty tiring week this week with all this data analysis I have to do. I haven't been able to have anyone over for dinner because I have been trying to comprehend all this data on the internet and it has been exhausting!

I don't think I would have survived studying it without some very helpful people who made it much easier to read. Michael Honey (a very clever friend of mine) let me look at some of the data illustrations on his delicious website. I found some fascinating illustrations of data and am very keen to learn how to do them myself. The ones that grabbed me the most were the ones that were interactive and animated. Michael explained to me that there are five main ways to visualise data: colour, size, shape, movement and position. All these factors are ways to help people visualise the data and determine what is "out of place". I was looking at some of the sights that Michael showed me and there were some illustrations that were amazing! There was so much data packed away into such an accessible way! Why can't all data be that easy to interpret!?

There was this fantastic graph that I could interact with and it showed the world's growth throughout the century. It began in 1897 and continued until 2006. The vertical axis was the average living age for a person and the horizontal axis was the a persons annual salary. You could click on what country/ies you wanted to see and could see where how they rose through the century. Japan had a massive decrease in people in WW2 and Australia had a massive boom in people throughout the 50s! It was just really interesting how the data was displayed so patterns can be found and otehr information can be linked to it. Anyways thats all from me diary, night!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Network and Multiplicity

Dear Diary,
I have had this fantastic idea for a website that collaborates everyone's intelligence! I had another two people help me come up with this idea but I think it would be a great way to help large groups of people connect and share ideas...after all isn't that what the internet is all about??

So this fantastic idea is......a virtual building with virtual rooms which groups/companies or firms can design! You it works is that there is a collective group which runs the website and they basically have say over all the final decisions but people can submit their plans and designs. So first thing is first! People can submit their ideas and designs for the BASIS of the building then once the building is formed people can start adding and creating their own rooms.

Of course, this website is going to be marketed to architecture and design firms...maybe even university students and graduates who have an interest in architecture and building design. And then what happens is that groups of people create, design and style a room and put it onto the building depending on the size of the room. The room is then put on "sale" and people can go and buy the rooms! If the person is interested in the style and design of the room, the website can also be used for advertising companies so people can see what the companies "style" is.

So basically the website would be a virtual building where people can build and create rooms and link them on to one massive building. And the building would have a "rank" system depending on how good/popular your room is determines how far up the building it will go. If your room is poor and hasn't had much effort put in, it will be down the bottom.

So there you have it! Yes, you can say it...I am a genius! What a wonderful idea, but I do have to thank my two colleagues who did help come up with the idea. I think in no time we will have it up and running (with us being the deciders of which building will be the basis and which rooms go where)in no time! What a great way to illustrate multiplicity! The internet really is the primary source nowadays for multiplicity and people working together and forming new ideas for the future!
Thanks for listening diary, will write soon!
The Network.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Network having dinner with Dr. Web 2.0

Dear Diary,
I haven't seen Dr. Web for ages!! It was really interesting catching up with him because he was telling me all about how everything is connected on the web and how one thing an influence another. There was this thing he mentioned called the Long Tail Theory which is when a book or movie or anything new enters the world/web there is a huge spike in popularity and then it just goes downhill from there. But sometimes another issue or thing can influence the long tail of the original object and there can be another popularity spike! So Dr. Web 2.0 continued to say that without him things on the web wouldn't be able to connect with each other and that the huge shift from webpages to webpages which are connected to everything and everyone has influenced culture so much that people form the other side of the world are finding out the same information at the same time as the people in the location! I, as the Network, think we as a system are very lucky to have Dr. Web 2.0 in our lives and are so pleased that he has evolved over the years to make me connected to more people and more information. I was telling this to him last night but he is so modest and doesn't realise the monopoly he has over me and how much he influences my work and viewers and for that I thank him. Without him I would not be able to evolve.
Night Diary, The Network